Anxiety is basically worry, this is a survival tool to allow us to think ahead of outcomes so we can plan our course of action and avoid situations if necessary. Panic is driven from fear so when these two combine, we think ahead and are fearful. Put yourself in a real situation whereby you need this and your heart rate and body change to adapt, this is completely normal - meaning you are normal. Having these survival instincts when your walking down the road or just reading a book is where we get scared but most times we are in a safe environment to handle this. Take away this safe environment i.e. living conditions, mortgage worries, job worries, relationship worries and your mind is taking away your safe place.
You'll then begin to look for a safe place, many people think back to find this place but they stumble into everything negative about themselves because the situation wasn't as bad back then, things were fine and we just didn't appreciate it, we took it for granted. This leads to confusion, depression and intensifies our anxiety into actual Panic Attacks which unsettles us even further.
You are afraid of dying - like me - and you feel our lives will be taken from us in an instant. This is our fear so we look to the future most of the time, but when we look too far it can turn negative and we begin the Anxiety cycle again.
You must begin to calm down, slow everything down from getting up in the morning, to making your breakfast and looking forward to the day ahead. Become aware of all that is around you, identify with it, take a moment to take in all the positives in your life. At night think of 3-4 things you did in the day that were positive. In time when you do this you'll be able to see negative elements in life (inside and outside of yourself), begin eliminating the negative aspects of your life one by one, TV, Radio, Newspapers are full of negative stories, your job is to keep your mind positive, believe in yourself and realise if you were born somewhere else you'd be the same person with a different outlook - one thing is important, you are your best friend and you need to help yourself - see your doctor, request that he helps you to calm down, talk to a therapist. I did, and it took months to understand that stress had made me weak and I had panic attacks, very sad thoughts, depression and I was very scared. By seeing a Therapist you can work towards taking negative thoughts out of your mind - don't just see someone to talk to and think it's fine, find someone who will work with you to help you stay calm. Balance the Therapy and medication, take time out for yourself to relax.
You will recover, just find positive elements in your life, eat and rest well - go to book stores and find health books for mind and body, read a little bit at a time and your desire for knowledge will help you also! Be positive!
Take care my Friend, you are not alone!!