Hi there recognize ya from the fibro forum.....i too have battled with having my mind shut off or stop it goes constantly..i hv really given cbt a shot ..online..n for me it is helping alot imho....i take trazadone at night to stop the mind from racing and again for me that med works....i know that more ppl will be around to welcome you to this forum n i also know we have many peeps with such simuliar issues as you are describing...i am glad you came over here i know you will get the help you need or at least great ideas and support.....make sure ya check in k ..the cognitive behaviour
al therapy is free and online...MoodGyms..have a look n again great you came to get input..lyn
lol best not get started on my ocd i really am bad with that for sure especially with nic nacs and other things being balanced..see i told ya i should not go there lol..huggs..lyn