Mrs. Farmer
Try having implement the relaxation response into his daily routine
just once or twice a day, it has completely changed my life, I used
to have panic attacks, and constant anxiety, worrying, it clears
your mind of anxious thoughts and also relaxes your body to a deep
level in which you are actually healing the negative effects of the
serotonin release by your worried and anxious thoughts, consistant, anxiety starts with a consistant dose of negative
behavoir and worrysome thoughts, it can become a habit,
physical pain and symptoms and literally any sort can be
a result of a imbalance in your body which is caused by
anxiety, youw ant to cure the cause well, good luck, try to elicit
the relaxation response daily, through meditation, deep
breathing excercises, hypnosis or whatever you choose,
every pyschiatrist is aware of this technique now you
can ask for their advice, even a chiropractor should
understand the role of breathing and physical health.
and dizziness is just another symptom of anxiety,
it is completely harmless however can be deblilatating
I had dizziness and unbalance/unsteadiness for months!
completely GONE after implenting the relaxation
response every day, its that simple, anxiety is a fight
or flight response, the relaxation response founded
by herbert benson at stanford hostpital is the OPPOSITE.
do it!!!!!!! It saved and changed my life, I am soo
happy now, wanted to share with everyone because
I know what you are going through, give it a few
weeks, let me know how it goes.
Good luck!!
hvyhitter........There are many THAT do get relief from meds .....we discuss alternative ways here but to discount meds altogether is not something we do as our Docs DO put us on them and we are a support group here not physicians........Take care ....God Bless....Lyn
Post Edited By Moderator (Lyn (Howlyncat)) : 4/23/2006 6:20:56 AM (GMT-6)