Posted 8/30/2010 8:07 PM (GMT 0)
Communication is important as Kitt said, but I also understand how tough it is when emotions get involved. I don't want to tell you what to do, but maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if your son misses a semester of school. Then he'll miss out on seeing his friends and fall behind in courses needed to graduate with those friends. I also like the idea of giving children options. For instance, "you can either register and be a full-time student or you can take the semester off and get a job to start paying off your loans. You can't sit around the house doing nothing until Spring registration." He might get a six month or so grace period and so the loans may not be a problem if he misses one semester, but it sounds like the bigger lesson is about his taking personal responsibility. I know it affects you, but he needs to realize that it's his life, his responsibility, and that there are consequences in life to every action good or bad. Maybe if he has a loan due and realizes he can't find a job in this economy and without a degree, he'll be more eager to register in the Spring. You can have him make payments to you from his "half" (even if you decide to give it back to him later). That being said, I know this may not be an easy thing to say to your child.
I too have had a hard time saying no. I always sacrifice my own well-being for the sake of others. I never ask for help, only offer it. I read something in a book once about how people take advantage of people who can't say no. When the person finally does say no, the other person does what they usually do to try to persuade you... for instance making you feel guilty, pressuring you, whatever. In fact they usually will do MORE of the same since you actually said no this time. It's like they up the anty hoping more pressure, more guilt will do the trick. It takes time for the them to realize that you're serious and that they need to make adjustments. That may make it harder on us initially, but we need to stick with it. I know... easier said than done. I'm working on it myself right now with my own family. I wish you well!