Hey there,
Sure enough you have been bitten buy the "What-if" bug. Most of us have engaged in some form of “What-if” thinking at one time or another. I find this is the toughest sx of anxiety I face. I have worked with my therapist on this issue over and over and I can do really well for a long time then something will set off the "stinkin thinkin" again.
When you’re worried, your mind is filled with unfavorable situations that might occur in the future. Bring your focus back to the present. Ask yourself What is happening right now? Realise that right now you’re safe. The things you’re worrying about aren’t occurring at this very moment—if they were, you wouldn’t be asking What if?, you’d already know the answer!
Challenge your assumptions. Most worries begin as an assumption that something you don’t want to happen might happen or that it already has. Get in the habit of challenging your assumptions before they snowball into a massive amount of worry.
Never lose hope in dealing with your fears . Notice your feelings, figure out what's real, ask 'so what?', make it bigger than life, walk through it, and celebrate who you are. Stay in the moment !
Gentle Hugs.