Hi Joni , thankyou so much for taking the time to post.
I don't think there is anything recently that would of triggered this. That all adds to my thoughts about
it being something serious and not anxiety at all.
Having said that, I've done lots of thinking recently, about
periods in my life when I've not felt well for no apparent reason, have tried to remember specifics about
how I felt. Am slowly coming to the conclusion that I've been suffering attacks for years without knowing what they were. First time I can remember feeling very I'll for several weeks, was just after I had my son 17 years ago!! I can distinctly remember that I became fearful of everything around that time. I wouldn't even go out in the car for fear of crashing. Never sought help at the time. Very much thought I was going crazy and suffered in silence.
I've never thought of myself as an anxious person at all. But am kinda starting to re-evaluate that now :-(.
I seem to be developing all kinds of fears/phobias that I never had before. I can't go out to shops at the moment. I feel like everyone is looking at me. As I mentioned before, I can't sleep in my bed at all. Huge fears of sleeping at all. Just think I'm not going to wake up.
At the moment my stomach is churning so much. It feels like someone is sat on my tummy. My neck hurts so much. I feel like it's not strong enough to hold my head up. Crazy eh. Only plus side I can find to all this is that I can't eat, so the few pounds I've been wanting to lose for ages, is falling off me! Silver linings eh