hello all... im new here.. been reading through a lot of the posts and have found many others who are just like me. So I thought i'd introduce myself.
I am a 40 year old mom of 6. I have a 20, 19, 18, 15 year old from my first marage, and a 3 year old from my marriage now. I also have a step son who is 19 (the son of my new husband). I have had anxiety for many years.. I guess starting in my childhood. I have a rare bone disease which causes calcium to build up in my joints and on my bones creating new bone masses.. so for example, I hit my thumb when i was a child and a bone developed on my thumb causing it to double in size. So it kinda looked like the letter P from the side. anyways, as a child I was constantly made fun of and told I was a monster so I would do things like wear long sleeve shirts in 90 degree weather, wear pants to the beach because I didnt want anyone to look at all the bones around my knees, etc. This made people stare at me too, so it was a lose lose situation. To make matters worse, my dad was self employeed so when he didnt have enough work to support us we moved, which was almost on a yearly basis. So even if i did make one friend it was short lived.
My parents moved me to RI in the 11th grade and that year really made me miserable. Kids tripped me, called me retarded, and a bunch of other names and when I couldnt take them making fun of me anymore I walked into the office told them i quit and walked home. My parents were pissed and i ended up trying to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. needless to say i didnt die, but my parents were at their wits end and moved me back to my previous school where i went on to repeat the 11th grade and graduated there 1 year later. That was the only school I made a friend. It was hard because there was no work there for my father, but it was the only way id go back to school. I met a boy (in the 11th grade) who i thought was really nice and he invited me over to his house for dinner. I was so excited! finally a boy who took an interest in me!
When I got there his parents said they had to go out to get a few things at the store and that they'd be back in a hour. They left and he invited me to his room, and stupid me went. When we got in there he told me to sit on his bed while he looked for some video games he wanted to play. I did. then he sat next to me. He then pushed me down and got on top of me, taking a knife out from under the pillow and holding it against my neck. He raped me for a 1/2 hour and then threatened that it would go into my ugly face if i said anything to his parents. He took me to the bathroom where i fixed myself up, while he watched, and when his parents got home we were sitting on the couch watching tv. my eyes were red from crying, and when his parents asked what was wrong, before i could say anything (not that i was going to) he told them we watched a sad movie and thats why i was crying. I sat through dinner while he smiled at the the whole time. i went to the bathroom afterwards and threw up. I asked to call my parents and his dad gave me the phone. I called my dad and asked to be picked up. I waited outside on the porch and he sat there reminding me to say nothing. He knew where i lived.
flash forward a year when i was in the middle of my senior year I met my first husband, well, the guy who would become my husband. I was 18 and he was 24 and lived in the town next to me. we met over the net. He was the first guy i ever had consentual sex with and we got pregnant on our first time. he lived at home as did i and his parents wouldnt allow me over their house because they didnt like ****s. thats what they called me. he had a job until our three month anniversary when he quit because they wouldnt make him manager. He never held a job in the 10 years we were married. I on the other hand worked 3. one at night, one in the day and one on weekends. This gave him lots of time to cheat on me, and he did. with 7 (that I was able to find out) women. after 10 years together we had 4 kids. I worked 3 jobs. Hence even more panic. this is where the panic got really bad.
It was my daughters birthday on the coming weekend. I worked extra shifts so i could afford her a nice birthday. I came home one afternoon to find my husband wearing nice clothes. i thought he had a job interview. he said he was going to a bar to meet an old friend that was in town. stupid me went along with it. i asked if hed be home by midnight because or our daughter bday the next day. he said yes. then he left. he was gone for 3 days. I worried that he was in a ditch somewhere. the kids cried. we called all the police stations and hospitals. no one had heard of him. on the third day i begged my kids... "tell mommy... did daddy say ANYTHING to you?!?!" and my oldest son said that daddy said soemthing about going with this person.. and i said is it so and so? (the person he was going to the bar with) and they said 'yeah! thats them!" and i said do you guys know where he lives?" and my son said "(so and so) isnt a boy mom.... shes a girl!" He had been cheating on me with this person and left me for her. the next day i sent my kids to be with my folks and a few hours after he showed up and my house and knocked on the door and introduced me to "my replacement."
I have been with my current husband about 11 years now and hes wonderful. He loves me kids and is an excellent father to them..
My problem is... lately my panic has gotten so bad that im having panic attacks 10-12 times a day now. everything sets them off... from a song, to something someone says on tv etc... I go to my doctor and they tell me they're being set off by subconsious thoughts... well if they're subconscious, how the hell can i turn them off?
ive been getting chest pain thats so bad i want to crawl out of my skin. my blood feels like its boiling sometimes. out of nowhere i get so tired i feel like i havent slept in days. I have been in the er about 6 times in the past 4 months, had numerous EKGS, stress tests, you name it. all come back fine. Ive had heart monitors for palpitations, they find nothing.
im taking paxil cr 25mgs for the past month now.. and i take ativan to calm me down but not even the ativan is working anymore. My husband says i need to let go of the past in order to stop these attacks but I have OCD too and im constantly obsessing over it wanting my make everything in my past better before i can move on. so im stuck and figured Id check on here to see if anyone on here is going through something simular..
sorry for the long post...
<Edit> I gave your post a title. :)
Post Edited By Moderator (stkitt) : 11/1/2010 9:09:03 AM (GMT-6)