are these also symptoms of anxiety?
especially the feeling of some tightness around the jaw when the headaches comes or when anxiety breathless episodes comes.
any natural remedies or stretchign exercise that helps for the above condition?
also i had a thorough heart checkup in mid 2009 after the first bout of panic attacks then.the tests/scans came out clear except stamina wise i was a bit down and was told to do some light exercises to build up the stamina.
its been almost 2 years since. in between, i lost some weight, had some anxiety... had a relapse panic attack,depression late last year... had the pains and aches that comes and goes. though i feel the past mth, i'm feeling much much better than before, and more days of feeling good than not good, but i;m just thinking is it necessary to go for another thorough checkup again? (its expensive by the way) but since i hv some health anxiety, i don't know if i should.