Another sleepless night, another post.
Unfortunately after typing out huge text block post and nearly finishing, some how backspacing got messed up and started going back in pages so I lost my message, sorry if it seems a little rushed.
Basically, I think I might have pseudotumor cerebrei/idiopathic intracranial hypertension. I have a good amount of the symptoms and I don't know what else could be causing my head pressure, I just can't believe it's from anxiety, mainly because I never had problem with anxiety untill I started getting the pressure.
I also was diagnosed with sleep apnea a couple years back but I could not follow through with the C-pap due to it feeling like I was breathing into a pillow no matter what setting or mask we tried out. Sleep apnea has also been cited as a cause for the pseudotumor cerebrei too so thats another thing.
Lately I've been getting jolted awake from something, it's possibly sleep apnea related, but I've awoken to shallow breathing from sleep apnea but this is different. I feel this weird flash in my arms and legs a very quick split second before I become awake and concious. Kinda as if my body gets scared or something and jolts me awake, this usually happens 2-4 times before I finally sleep normally (for me anyways).
Also I've been noticing an increase in losing track of thought. This ranges from annoying, to absolutely terrifying. Sometimes ill just forget what I was thinking about
, nothing to out of the ordinary for alot of people. Other times it will feel like my brain will block me from thinking about
it (like trying to think what I want to say in this message for instance). The worse times usually come when I'm tired and trying to sleep. I usually try and visualize something I like when I go to sleep so I can calm down and be a little bit more comfortable. However a lot of the time I'll stop being able to think about
it and my brain will just black out what ever I visualize and wont let me think about
it. The only thoughts pretty much allowed to go through my head by that time are what was I thinking about
? and why can't I think about
anything? and I just get this feeling like my brain just wants to stop trying and give up as in a dying sort of way
I'm used to having my thoughts wander off into absurdity and into dreamland before I'm fully asleep and then becoming concious and being like... Why the hell was I thinking that? but this is different and its very unpleasent.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had some of the same problems with controlling their thoughts and trying to get to sleep and all and what I could do to help with my problem. I feel like I have a lot of trouble crossing the line where you stop thinking and finally start sleeping. I nearly get to sleep, then I become aware of my thinking stopping, so I start again and It puts me farther from sleeping. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, being able to atleast try something when I'm having these problems is nice, and being reassured that theres still some hope of getting back to my original self.
Thanks for your past, and any future help. It's really nice having a forum like this... It seem's like just posting helps me think rationally and calm myself.