Hi everyone, well I got myself all worked up today with my health anxiety, totally convinced myself that I was going to die, I felt like I couldn't swallow, got all teary and was going to ring my dr...but I didn't know what to say to her..
I felt so stupid I mean what do I say hi it's Shannon and I think I'm dying.....I'm so sick of myself at the moment
I still feel like I have a lump in my throat but I'm pretty sure it's anxiety, couldn't eat dinner I felt like my dinner was getting stuck, I've lost 3 kilos in the last couple of days..I just can't eat when I get really stressed.
Have my first therapist appt on Friday so I'm looking forward to that...am I ever going to get better? I'm so sick of this, I just want my life back..
I didn't even dr google just managed to get anxious on my own....god I hope I'm not getting worse....
Sorry for the rant I feel really lonely tonight, I wish everyone of you were here with me I probably wouldn't feel so scared.....hugs to everyone shannon