Good Morning,
I suspect your Dr. is right about the cause of your feeling dizzy. Remember your brained is cushioned from everyday jolts and bumps by the cerebrospinal fluid that it floats in, inside your skull. It usually takes a pretty good blow to your head to cause a concussion.
If you feel you may have a concussion then please do call your Drs. office and talk with the triage nurse who wil advice you what to do.
Sad to say our anxiety so easily gets in our way and likes to run away with our thoughts. Your also missing the security of having your boyfriend at home whic I suspect is only making your anxiety spike.
Perhaps spending the day with a family member or friend would help you. Sometimes just calling someone on the phone and sharing your concerns is enough to help you feel less anxious.
Work on keeping your mind occupied so it cannot dwell on the what if's? We are all here to support you.