i didn't go to work today either and i really never want to go back I HATE MY JOB and i feel like its causing alot of anxiety to kick i'm not sure why i can't suppress it this time like i have been able to before its like i dont' even have the strength :-( i just want to cry for days its not only the job its other things that are pile n up on me out of no where (the past) missing an x -being both parents to a teenager i'm tired of working just a job i'm tired of being alone and not being able to hold on to friends bc of walls i've built to avoid hurt i'm a wreck and it hurts all i want to do is sleep sometimes until i die i've dealt with depression before and i thought it was gone i have never taking anything for it but prayer and i saw a therapist like 3 times i never knew this would be permanent. tension all over my body-i'm not having sex which i don't want to use as a solution to any problem anymore. the drinking i don't want to use the smoking i don't want to do but i'm so stressed about not sinning it's bringing on more anxiety-i'm begging for some encouragement. i don't talk about this much afraid no one understands