Hello, im new here joined today..
I had my heart attack 8yrs ago and had a stent put in, ever since that day I havent been able to stop the anxiety or panic attacks, depression set in after a time and iv lived alone in my house ever since. But, as time went by I learned that I needed to fight this fear because it wasnt going to go away for me, it was here to stay. I dont want to die and thats why I panic and have anxiety attacks, because of the fear of death, we cant do anything about
a heart attack, but in todays medical field, its like putting on a bandage or having a tooth out, ur awake for the whole procedure then ur home the next day, afew weeks later ur back to work and u feel better than u ever felt before ! : my fear is that fine line between life and not coming back. I cry alot because its a natural thing to do when ur afraid day after day and sleep is the only reprieve. The point to this is...DONT LIVE IN FEAR, it will always be there, go do things you like, make your lives count, we cant forget the fear that we feel but, we now understand how precious our lives realy are
DREAMS ONLY WORK IF YOU DO..I pray to god daily and thank him for my extention of my life that hes allowed me to have up to now, I thank him for giving me understanding to my fear, panic and anxiety and with his guidance and trust I live my life through him. He allows me to leave my home and go do the things I need to do, see the ppl I want to see, share my life with those that meen so much to me.
I cant go back to the way I used to be, but through gods help I live my life to the fullest, even though I still get the same symptoms as u guyz, through gods help I fight it and push on. Cbt, counciling and other therapy didnt work for me nor did meds, so after so many yrs of trying different helps and meds I trusted in god. For most of us the only great relief is sites like this one that allow us to be with ppl that understand wat we're going through, we feel safe here, even though its hard every day, I dont give up, I keep on trying like all of u do. I wish u all the best and I hope u find peace and solitude. Tc