PREDMOODIEI am sorry you are feeling the way you do right now but I found this med to be helpful for me. The trick with all of the antidepressants is to give them time which I know is not always pleasant to begin with but often well worth the patience.
I have been on 15 of the antidepressants over the past 30 years and one of those did me well for over 20 years and then it pooped out or something change for me. Since then I have been on some that were not so good but others that have helped me very much.
The one thing anxiety and depression has taught me is my disorder will not be magically cured by the meds but together with therapy, good friends and a strong medical team I will make it through each of the dark periods. I just came out of a bad place emotionally , actually still slowly working my way out but I remember last week at this time how hopeless and lost I felt.
So please remember, as hopeless as you may feel, it is a temporary feeling. We are all in this together.