Thanks for replies.
To answer a question I'm having a boy
The first child, and excited and anxious about
My work is not stressful (graphic design), and my husband is very calm. There is no stress anywhere, so I have no idea why I'm so anxious sometime. I guess that's my hormones.
My doctor told me to find therapist, that what I'm looking for (called a few already, either they are booked for a month ahead or on vacation, or can't take new patients...). I will look for more. But I wish to find something to read to calm my self down. There is a lot info on internet, but there is a lot of wrong stuff too (specially places where they want to sell you some books or audio tapes, they will scare you to BUY right away, otherwise you will get "millions of problems, heart attack and etc"...) I have books, but honestly, I want to hear from somebody that I'm ok and that's normal part of life. Somehow I need to hear it. I don't have panic and anxiety on daily basis, most of the time I'm happy and funny person, but these "bad" days I feel like it is not me. Also, somehow I feel guilty that I'm this way, I have to be in control, I have to be stronger and I can't control my own brain! I'm scared to go to subway because of fear of panic there. I can't avoid the subway, in NYC it is silly! But my fear wrapped me around that today at 5am I woke up and the first thought came to my mind that I had to go to subway. It is silly, but how can I throw this away from my mind? The harder I try to talk to my self that "everything is OK" - the more I'm getting anxious, and the next thing I know that my hand is on my neck checking my pulse, and the faster pulse goes the more I'm scared. I afraid to pass out, I afraid to die, horrible thoughts coming to my mind. On top of that I'm worried about
my baby, and I know that anxiety is part of pregnancy, I'm still worried "what if , what if". And up to now I have no idea if panic attack will harm my baby (somebody says yes, some website says "no" because episodes of panic are usually short). I'm so confused what to believe and what to listen.
I'm tried antidepressants twice in my life (Effexor for a month only and Zoloft for 3 weeks) - I couldn't tolerate either of them, so I'm definitely not trying any daily basis medication while I'm pregnant. I wish to find magic pill... Probably I want too much..