For the past month now I have been suffering from all the symptoms of Anxiety followed by panic attacks. I tend to get panic attacks because I get scared of what I am feeling and sometimes just out of nowhere. I get a tingling sensation in my head that goes from the back to the front of my head at times, and even just my lower left side of my head, even pulling at my mouth feeling like I am going to have a stroke!!I also feel like my ears are sometimes plugged, and I have an ear infection with pain.
I have had all kinds of blood tests, urine tests, and heart monitors but all the doctors tell me the results are fine. I have started taking True Hope which is an all natural supplement that helps anxiety, depression, and bi polar issues. It was working for the first week and all my heart palpitations are gone and I feel okay, but I still get these panic attacks that dont seem to be going away. Its taking over my life and work! My doctor now has prescribed me the anti-depressant Chlorizepam but I'm afraid to take it because of possible side effects and I dont want it to make me dopey.. What should I do?? My next step is to get a Cat scan...