Posted 8/11/2012 3:02 PM (GMT 0)
Good morning, well my posting is because as some of you have heard...I suffer from health anxiety.GAD ..and yes some days are better than others but, my anxiety today is mainly because I went to my therapy yesterday and even though my therapist keeps teaching me ways to deal with it, I am still stagered for the fact that she said I am not sure what is causing this anxiety and since my dr appointment is this week...well I was at a family gathering last night and my brother who I had not seen for some time told me.."why haven't you overcome your anxiety, I did it pretty quickly" and maybe there is something wrong with you ...let me go back and tell you that I have an aunt who suffers from a mental illness and that is something that bothers me ever since I was diagnosed with anxiety...and when my brother noticed that I started to get anxious over his comment he said "you're hypocondriac never mind" I felt so bad because my sister and my brother both went through anxiety and depression and yes they overcame it...but why are they telling me this? I mean if they went through the same right? and then I talked to my dad and he explained to me that at the same age than me which is 31 he had the same symptoms, he just did not pay much attention and well ..this is what happened last night. I really have received much support through this website...I know I am not alone....but the fear of me getting worse just gets to me...I know I have had a life full of stress..especially these last years but...I try to stay positive towards conquering this anxiety and not let it get the best of me....