Hello All
As you know I have severe anxiety and panic attacks as well I have been referred to a cardiologist ..although both the ER dr and my GP said that my ecg was normal for me (normal rythum sinus) non specific st abnormality ....I was sent to cardioloigist where I did an ultrasound on my heart ...now my appt to see him was this sat at 1:30 but now they called me and said she was moving it up because she had a cancellation so she thought maybe to call me to go in at 10:40 a.m instead ....I told her my original time was good but she said she would then have to contact all the other patients to change their appt ...sounds fishy to me ...so now I am in a major panic .....
I know that if there is something wrong I am going to freak and the thing is that they have to do an ecg when I get there which will be off because of my panic and having to climb the stairs there.
I am 40 other than smoking I dont have any thing that would make me a canidate for heart desease or heart attack or any of that ..before this all started I used to walk 3x a day for 30 min watch what I consume and dont drink .....I am so having a full blown attack ...I know I cannot change the outcome I wish I could and the worst part is that I have to go alone.