Hi there
I can totaly sympathise, i also am suffering heart related worry/anxiety which started when i developed costochondritis last year and heart related fears have crept up till i am now suffering anxiety symptoms every day. I suffer terribly with the palpatations and i know that even with the all clear you just cant help but think there is something cardiac going on. i sufer chest pains too and i have found it really really difficult to get to where i am now (accepting this is anxiety) you are not alone and i know exactly how you feel when you say you are tired of it, it is draining and takes over your life and although i have faced the fact i have anxiety now and am taking measures to deal with it, it does not make the palpitations any easier to deal with they absalutely terrify me. there are plenty of good reading material here and reading as much you can on the net and educationg yourself about how anxiety and palpitations work and reading about how many other people suffer with this really does help alot.
What does your palps feel like? do you get single pals like a jump in your chest? do you feel as if it stops for a min? does it flutter? or just suddenly beat realy fast? a thud in your chest? ... im fortunate enough that i experience ALL of these sensations yipeeee hahaha.... if you didnt laugh you would cry eh?
sending love
Jenna x