Aww...I understand your situation completely!!
I am constantly double checking with my husband...usually about
the times when he has to pick up our daughter from school or an activity.
This is rare, as I work part-time (and around our daughter's school schedule) so I am the primary parent in charge of things on the homefront... when he does need to do 'my job' I can't help but text/call/Morse code/e-mail/smoke signal/carrier, you get the point...check in on him to make sure that he is actually doing what he is supposed to do!
I think that it goes along with the anxiety territory. I would call it being responsible and diligent...but in all honesty, I think it goes beyond least for me.
Perhaps letting him know that your comfort zones are a little restricted due to your anxiety, and to nicely ask for a little grace in this area, would be helpful for you both.
I am sorry that this happened, and I can completely relate. I am sure that with a little understanding and forgiveness on both sides, that you guys can patch this up.:)
I hope the rest of your Monday gets better from here,