If I am this bad this morning, I dread to think of how bad I'll be tomorrow at this time. In fact, I'll be preparing to leave for the hospital in just about
24 hours from now. I'll start my prep later this evening. I don't think staying on a liquid diet today will be hard, because when I get panicky I can't eat anyway, just sweat, shake, be irritable at poor DH and have shortness of breath.
What a fun day ahead of me for sure.
I popped a xanax almost an hour ago but it doesn't seem to be working as well as it should be. I take 0.25 every 4 hours. Does anyone take more than that?
I know reasonably I will most likely be fine, there is no colon cancer in my family, this is a screening but I do have issues, as I've always had anyway, nothing new.
The thought of being that one in a million with a complication, or getting bad news, is scary and am trying to put those thoughts out of my mind the second they enter.
So I think the fear isn't of pain because I've been told I won't feel a thing...it's fear of maybe getting bad news? And I know all the worry in the world is not going to change my outcome one way or the other. So I know these things intellectually but emotionally, I'm a basket case.
I'm journaling and writing here, please be patient with me today...and will try to keep busy today.
I'm assuming my house is going to be very clean by the end of the day.
Honestly, I get so angry at myself for being this weak. This is so routine that everyone has it, but now it's my turn and after scheduling twice and canceling, this is my 3rd attempt, I have promised myself to not back down this time.
I just don't know why I have such difficulty letting fear and panic and anxiety stop me from doing things everyone else seems to do without these problems that cripple their lives from doing the things they must do. I think it is partly genetic as my mother and unfortunately my poor daughter suffers from this as well...Just like getting on an airplane, scary too...but that's another story for another time.