ok support friends. those that have been following, I have had a rough two weeks with heart attack worrying and "symptoms" real or not. Hear is my latest..
Went to ER with upper back pain and chest pain a week ago. EKG and bloodwork was fine, normal. Saw cardiologist on Monday and another ekg was ok and waiting for results of a heart monitor test.
Last night upper stomach pain woke me up and I have had it all day. I comes and goes like a squeezing cramp right below my chest, upper abdomen. Is this a warning sign of a heart attack in women. I am 44 with high cholestrol. My husband thinks I am a hypocondraic I have been to the ER and Cardiologist and nothing. He is not taking this pain serious. I think it is a heart attack warning after all else has happened. Advice? or just heartburn/indigestion? I have not eaten anything bad that would cause it. Help???