Aw BR, I am so sorry that you are going throught this...
...but something good did come from have an appointment with a p-doc who sounds fantastic!
This is from the anxietycentre's site in our Resources...just for reassurance.:)
Hair loss, hair is thinning, or clumps of hair are falling out.This is listed as an anxiety symptom there.
I had a weird episode the other day with a physical symptom (sinus/mucus related...eww I know) and felt on the verge of feeling panicked about it. I told myself that it was not immediately life threatening, and that if I needed to get it checked out further, then that's what I would do...and that it would all turn out allright, if I could just relax, and take things one step at a time calmly...and that's what I did.
You will get to the point where you will be better able to shut down those initial panicked feelings, and get through whatever situation that you need to.;)
Peace and progress!