Be Rock,Sorry you are feeling like your going downhill but remember that is just your mind trying to trick you. I am glad to know you are seeing a psychologist however you are the one who has to do the healing, the Dr. is there to guide you. Try not to give up because your Dr. is away. You are still very early in your therapy.
I often felt good the day of therapy and the next day but by the time my next appointment rolled around I could come up with tons of reason for why nothing was helping me.
I would suggest the book, The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle; it is available through as well as other booksellers.
Many people who have read this book have taken away so much good that they could apply to their own lives.
I share with you life is tough and nobody ever promised us a rose garden but a nice little dandelion patch here and there would be colorful on bad days.
Take my hand and we will keep pushing forward together.
Gentle Hugs,