Jocipher said...
Hey man I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I too am a 17 year old male dealing with health anxiety. I too worry about my heart well you don't as much but I do anyways. Have gotten every test in the book and still don't believe... Which was my mistake... Googling never helped me because it made me believe more bizzare things that aren't true. I know how you feel it can be a scary road to be on. From what I see it is health anxiety since you went to the doc and he gave you a clean bill of health. Cancer may run in your family but to be honest you are too young right now we both are we should be enjoying life. I'm trying to fight back and you should to. We are both 17 year old guys we are capable of so much. So I'd say stop googling first off and I can't stress that enough. And believe your doctors! Anxiety can really make us feel like we have a disease by the symptoms but if you went to a doctor with it and they said it's nothing the that means anxiety is the culprit most likely. So stay calm man your going to be fine I know it. And I will be here for you. As well as everybody else in here who deals with health anxiety or other anxieties.
Thanks, Jocipher!
I can not thank you enough for reassuring me. It's nice to know that there are other people out there that are going through the same thing
Can't thank you enough,