I've had this feeling for probably fifteen years or longer. Even when I'm in good form and things are going well the dull angst feeling is there. It's difficult to describe. It's not a hangover feeling and it's not in my head. It's in my abdomen area. I think it's fear based, kinda like my fight of flight trigger is all screwed up from years of conflict and anger. My family is completely messed up, zero communication particularly around important issues so things get bottled up. Lots of hatred and passive aggression. I'm convinced it stems from this. I've done some CBT and meditation in the past and found them beneficial but it's difficult to keep them going and old habits keep returning. I suppose consistency is the key.
Richaf said...
Is your constant feeling simular to my last post in my thread "New member intro"?
The way that I dexribed it was a bit different, but the feeling has been with me since the 80's.