Hey guys, i am proud and thankfull to say i am now dealing well with my anxiety and it is not something that effects my every day life but excersise is something that still is a huge problem for me, its not the excersising that part is fine i am able to get proper into it again... its after perhaps an hour later i get crazy heart pals for a good couple of hours.. problem is my doctor dosent seem bothered by this at all! he explained it to me something like.. because you have spent so long in a high anxiety state and type of stress to your body your body interperates it as negitive stress like excercise, laughing getting excited all triggers heart palps in me as does crying stress rushing about
, my doctor tells me its simply going to take time for my body to distinguish between good stress and bad stress and release the appropriate hormones in relation to the emotion.. hes basicaly telling me when i am giggling with my friends my body should be releasing good chemicals but my hormones are to pot because ive been suffering anxiety and could be releasing things like adrenaline and other nastys as thats is what it is so used to any time i am stimulated.
I understand im rambelling a bit but tell me sometimes i think this over and it makes perfect sence and other times i think it sounds rather stupid,
Anyones thoughts would be appreciated
From a recovering but still palpitating jenna haha