SNRI or SSRI causes the body to not know how many neurotransmitters are in the bodies archive.
Those drugs are called 'ReUptake inhibitors". Which blocks Neurotransmitters from leaving the synapse so they are force to be sucked up and used.....
If the uptake inhibitor wasn't present, then the neurotransmitters would "reuptake" back into the pre-synapse and the person would continue the anxiety symptoms....
depression is the foundation of anxiety.... if a person doesn't FEEL like they have depression then its a underlying depression which is causing the anxiety or panic attacks...
These have to be functioning to be healed completely.
1. The gut health. if the gut isn't absorbing, then neurotransmitter cannot be made from the food that we eat.
2. post synapse. If the post synapse isn't firing(action potential) then the neurotransmitters aren't working.
3.hormone. if the hormone system is out of wack, then that causes incorrect conditioning of neurotransmitters.
to fix the brain u must add 1;10 ratio of both tyrosine(dopamine,epinepherine,norepinephorine), 5htp(serotonin)
example 1:10 ratio 150=5htp 1500=tyrosine. never use tryptophan it is used to make too many things, 5htp crosses blood brain barrier immediately to become serotonin.