I'm a HUGE supporter of CBT.
One day, someone explained it to me in such a way that it felt like a giant light bulb went off in my head. So to this day, I often use the same analogy.
What worked for me is when I began to view CBT as "rehearsal." It's "practice." Every single profession requires practice, repetition under varying circumstances. And during those "rehearsals," everyone makes mistakes, they learn from them, go at it again and learn how to navigate around those things that caused the anxiety.
I know this sounds so cliché, but you know the saying "practice makes perfect?" While no human can put a claim on the "perfect" part, I think the message is a strong staple.
If every single day you "practiced" (I'm using a random example here), playing basketball, and spent one hour focusing on making those all-net shots,....sure, most of the time, you'd miss. But the thing is, sometimes you would not miss! Sometimes, you'd hit your mark perfectly.
Now imagine "practicing" your basketball, that one hour every day,...and where do you think you'll be in 6 months time with all that "rehearsal?" You know in your heart and in your gut that you'd get better and better!!
Well, "LIFE" is the same way. We're all rehearsing, we're all practicing, we all make mistakes. Everyone. No one is good at everything! No, not even your co-worker!
So get out on that playing field, kiddo, and practice LIFE! :)