Random thought here:
I have problems drinking water, if it's tap water. I know "the majority" of people think water is water, and heck, maybe it's all in my head, but....
I buy Dasani bottled water, and it's purified and then there are specific minerals added to it. I can drink that bottle after bottle. No problem. Plus, each bottle just tastes fresh.
But if I try to drink tap water, I gag. Personally, I think that my palate picks up the taste/odour of chemicals in it, and my throat closes up. If I do manage to choke it down, it upsets my stomach.
I sincerely do not have that gagging sensation or upset stomach if I drink Dasani.
I only drink water (no juice, no milk, etc.) so another staple of mine is Seltzer Water. (Not the stuff with sugar or artificial sweeteners or colours in it). This is just regular Seltzer that has a "flavour" or "essence" in it. The bubbles in the water make it much easier for me to swallow than plain (ie: tap) water.
Then the occasional burp that results actually feels like it clears my throat and tummy.
I'm always traveling with my OWN water because yes, I am that particular. Hey, I've tried it,...I gave it many shots, tap water from everywhere we've lived, wherever we've traveled,...and the results are the same. I've even filled my empty Dasani bottle with tap water, stuck 'em in the fridge,....
...........nope. It still made me gag, I ended up not drinking (and I'm a huge water drinker!)....it's worth getting whatever it takes to keep my hydrated.