I found this site a few weeks ago and thought I should post something to say hello
I have been dealing with anxiety/panic attacks for most of my life (now 32), and it just seems to be getting worse over time. I started cipralex 20mg 5/6 years ago because I was having difficulties coping, and now just this winter was put on Mirtazapine 15mg because again I have been having pretty bad episodes. Just looking at the pattern, my anxiety is giving me anxiety that its just getting worse and not better over time.
Now with that said there has been some pretty major changes in the last 3 months. My wife and I just bought a house 3 months ago. This is our first house, and I must admit it is pretty scarey, and the expenses are much larger than apartment life. On top of that, I quit smoking around that time. I'm happy to say that I am 3 months smoke free, but not without difficulty. And now my wife is talking about
having a baby. Which is fine and dandy, because I want one too. But it scares the crap out of me and I'm not sure if I'm ready, but I'm getting pressure as we "aren't getting any younger". To top it off, work slows down in december for me, which causes me extreme anxiety as I strive off of being busy. I find I have to seek reassurance from everybody and their uncle when I am in a state like that. That everything is going to be ok and nothing bad is going to happen (usually for me every worst fear seems to become a reality)
With that said I am seeking a counsellor/therapist this week. As well I found a course in my area that does MBSR (Mindfulness based stress reduction) combined with CGT (cognitive based theory) over a 13 week course, so I'm going to take that and see if it helps.
Anyway thats me in a nutshell hope to talk to you all soon