Hi Kaykim and welcome.
You know, I seem to have most of my worst anxiety symptoms when I am not even feeling anxious?
I thing that there are a couple of reasons for this. One being that we with anxiety are good at ingoring our stress, becoming accustomed to it...and therefore only noticing it when our mind/bodies finally bring it to our attention...and it is impossible to not notice!
The other reason I believe is because often when we are quiet and still, it is just an opportunistic time for the anxiety to be felt in a physical way. The distractions are few...and it is easy to become focused on the little worries that add up to big anxiety.
So what you are going through is not unusual...and you can help yourself feel better with some pretty simple coping skills!
Here in our Resources, you will find stress relieving exercises that can help to bring down your overall anxiety levels and symptoms. Check them out and give them a try.:)
Keep posting with us as well. We understand and care...and support is key!
Scaredy Cat