Hey there,You sound a bit like me, making appointments and then rationalizing "it is nothing " and canceling appointments.
Great input from all and here is the rule I learned:
Women with heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding typically have one or more of the following:
Soak through a pad or tampon every one or three hours on the heaviest days of the period
Have bleeding for more than seven days
Need to use both pads and tampons at the same time due to heavy bleeding
Need to change pads or tampons during the night
Pass blood clots larger than 1 inch (about 2.5 centimeters)
Iron deficiency anemia
If you soak through two pads or tampons in one hour for two hours in a row, call your healthcare provider or go to the emergency department. Bleeding this heavily can be serious or even life threatening.
A few weeks after I had our youngest I start to bleed heavily - would sit in the bathroom with an old measuring cub and would fill it with blood and clots in a few minutes. My hubby called my OB/GYN who was 45 minutes away and we were instructed to come straight to ER. When we walked in the door they took me to a cart immediately and were surprised to see I was passing baseball size clots and was fully dilated. A simply D & C did the trick however they kept me over night. My Dr. who had been in the ER when we called left because it was taking so long for us to get there. My husband had a few words with him..........
So, moral of story, you need to be seen and all things are not cancer but that does not mean it is not serious. We care for you and want you to be safe.
Keeping you in my prayers.