Good Morning,Sad to say you are in the same boat as many of us, however, I am very surprised that your Dr. suggested ordering a diuretic for you to help lose weight. This medication is normally used for people with hypertension, CHF and other medical reasons. One side effect of this med is loss of Potassium which you need as it is one of the essential electrolytes.
A diuretic will only take off water and not fat. If you have some other reason for needing a diuretic I did not see it in your post. I would get a second opinion before taking this med for weight loss as I do not want you to get into problems from the medication.
As far as weight loss products via RX now days I am not sure what they prescribe, however, if you have to stop your antidepressant you may suffer from a increase in your anxiety. I know it feels like a catch 22 but do be careful.
I researched weight loss medications and felt this article would be helpful for you: