SKYoungMy heart goes out to you as I know you have been fighting a long battle to get to where you are today. Know your feelings are normal as well as your reactions at work.
Your first times back
at work will most likely feel strained. Your
friends may not know what to say to you. Those you don’t know well may avoid
you. Don’t assume this means people don’t care. They may not know what to say,
or they may be fearful of saying the wrong thing. You can help by setting
boundaries re what you do or do not wish to talk about. Then be patient. It can
take some time before your interactions with your co-workers get back to
I think you handled yourself extremely well in getting up and leaving the situation that was triggering your panic. I am guessing that your immediate supervisors know what your going through so do use this person as a sounding board if you have a good relationship with him/her.
There are days when you will feel good and other days when the anxiety takes over. Let the anxiety move through and don't try to fight it so much; don't give it more power than it is worth. You are a person with PTSD and with time things do become easier but we never know what might trigger us.
Glad to read you are easing yourself back into your work.
Gentle Hugs,