Good Morning,I am going to share a bit of info to help decrease your anxiety.
Blood clots may develop in the veins that lie either just under the skin or deep within the limb. In the skin-deep (superficial) veins, a blood clot commonly appears as a red streak along the course of an affected vein and is often accompanied by inflammation (phlebitis). The vein may feel warm and tender and may be swollen. This combination of clot and inflammation, known as superficial thrombophlebitis, commonly occurs in the setting of varicose veins.
Superficial thrombophlebitis is typically more annoying than dangerous because the likelihood that the clot(s) will break up and be transported in pieces to the lung is very low.
I suspect your anxiety is driving your worries, however, if you truly feel their is something medically wrong do check in with your Dr.
Do practice any coping skills you have developed to deal with your anxiety and if your looking for new ones check out our Resources, the first thread at the top of our first page.
Sending you positive healing vibes.