Hi Anxious and welcome!
First off congratulations on your upcoming wedding and the birth of your nephew. It sounds like things are going in the right direction...now to just get to feeling like yourself again!:)
There is hope for that, and it is possible!
You have received great advice already, so I will just second the recommendation to look at as many treatment options as you can!
Therapy and/or self help is of great use in recovering from anxiety/panic disorder. If you would like some ideas, look in our Resources here:
The stress relief exercises are especially helpful if practiced daily!
Like Merrida and MSP mentioned above...it can take several weeks for a med to start to take effect. Since you are nearing the halfway mark, give it time.
However, if you feel that your side effects are more than you can take, it may be time to have a talk with your doctor about an alternative med, and the possibility of a therapy referral...to help you get the best spectrum of help. :)
Keep posting with us as well. We understand, and are here to listen and support anytime!
Scaredy Cat