Hp,I hold a special place in my heart for anyone suffering from a mental health disorder. I was dx with Anxiety, Major depressive episodes and PTSD 32 years ago.
I can honestly say that it takes a lot of hard work to climb up out of dark holes when I find myself floundering in one and don't know how I got there.
SC poste great resources for you; do check them out, pick one that looks good to you and work on learning how to control you anxiety.
My anxiety disorder came from high insecurity, an excessive need for validation, a frantic quest for completion through relationships, and an inability to acknowledge who I really was.
I ran around trying to please others and attempting to be who they wanted me to be. Now I take care of me first and than help others.
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~Pema Chodron