t2r,Big breath and know you are going to be OK. It sounds to me like you are experiencing high anxiety or even a panic attack. Each of us with an anxiety disorder can learn to control our anxiety.
I do not know what skills you have developed to deal with your anxiety so I will just speak to one here right now.
Many people with anxiety disorders benefit from a form of counseling called cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT. A mental health professional trained in the CBT approach can help you work through the thoughts, emotions, behaviors and triggers contributing to your anxiety disorder. They can also teach you coping skills. Part of CBT may involve slowly introducing you to things that may more easily trigger your anxiety until you feel more comfortable. Although CBT is usually a short-term treatment, practicing the skills you learn both during and after treatment can help you manage your symptoms for a long time to come.
We do have a free online version of CBT and I will post the link for you here:
Free on-line CBT programs:
I prefer the ecouch version best but you may like either one or both.
I hope your day gets better. Keep on talk with us as sharing is part of healing.