When I took Prozac years ago, I called it my miracle drug. I had very bad anxiety in college that led to getting very depressed. It took about
2 weeks if I recall, to start noticing subtle changes. about
a month or so in, I was feeling myself again.
My friend and my mom take Prozac. Mom has taken it since 1988 when it was released?!
She's 77 & takes other meds and has always said "you can take away all my meds but my Prozac." Hehe
I tried it again about
6 yrs ago & unfortunately it didn't work that time. I think I was used to name brand and by then it was generic. My friend and my mom do quite well on generic.
I've been told by several mental health professionals and docs to stay off of Internet forums. I know where they're coming from bc many forums are not like healing well. Many are ppl who only report bad, horrible experiences with this drug or that drug and it's frightening. Been to several of them and they did scare me.
I do have to watch myself here, not with the responses to my posts bc they are always encouraging, helpful and loving. But I have to watch reading others stories who are in the thick if their own storms bc I'm in a bit of a storm myself so I'm sensitive to certain information or stories of despair.
The doc and therapists are not completely wrong to say stay off the internet but you have to be your own judge. There is a forum I started posting to before this one and the members were extremist and not only not helpful, but made me feel worse. I don't think there were moderators there! This place is just different.
Sometimes TMI, even here, talking too much abt our issues can for me anyway, cause me to rely? on it too much. Sometimes I feel I give my power away too much to others to solve my problems or tell me it's going to be ok. I do need reassurances, for sure. But if one doesn't balance between say forums, therapy etc & lack in helping their own self, it can be an issue. It's all about
balance. And timing. Sometimes a place like this is all ppl have and is a godsend. Sometimes ppl rely too much on a forum. The bottom line is balance.
We're all here for the same reasons. Support, we're scared, we need reassurances. I find this forum to be the best one I've ever been a part of.
The doc saying "the devil" was a loaded term but likely just using it w/o thinking & not meaning any religious connotation. That's my guess but I totally relate how that would make you be like "say what!?"
I didn't have bad side effects from Prozac. I remember dry mouth and some tingly scalp at first but it allllll went away. The beauty about
Prozac is that should you ever decide to go off, it's the only AD you don't have to "wean" off of. I did habe some mild sexual side effects but was a trade off to feeling sane lol. And sane to me = able to relax and find joy in most things including intimacy (I'm married, so it's part of my life lol).
Some do well on it, some try something else. I was on Cymbalta for 6 yrs & loved it. I have many friends who didn't so it truly isn't a one size fits all.
Thinking of you & wishing you good things and peace from this anxiety. It'll come, I promise!