The struggle is just so hard not with just the anxiety and depression and panic attacks, just everything doctors telling me Iam okay but I don't feel okay poor circulation in my body arm close to my heart been hurtting off& on and pain in my chest.
I just want to feel what the doctors say and then there is the feeling of wanting to cry out of no where, because one Iam tired of the acheing pains and feeling sick and just feeling / thinking Iam dying this is reeking havoc on my mind &my body and to have the thoughts are not healthy and just feeling down and out I just don't know then my mom has once again allowed her family to move in with us because this family member stays just doing the same stuff to cause her to be homeless this small place and all these people it is frustrating &Iam starting to feel clostophobic and space invaded. I just want to cry my eyes out right now so much going on, and not enough of the right answers and Iam just so sick and tired of the same crap where is the peace and joy at :'(
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 10/13/2014 8:44:25 PM (GMT-6)