I smoke *hangs head in shame*
I'd never tried to quit until the end of January of this year. Little did I know that a week or so later & after switching AD's, I'd have my "breakdown" which led to this years struggles. I'm sure quitting was a factor but obviously the med switch was the major factor in my struggles.
I've since been afraid to try & quit again.. But it's def on my radar...
My friend quit using a vapor stick. She kept going down on the nicotine inserts til she went down to 0 nicotine and just quit it all together.
That doesn't help your issue so I hope others will chime in bc I'm curious too. Your struggles this year didn't happen to correlate with quitting smoking did it?
5 months is uh-mazingggggg!!! 👍👍👍 How did you do it??? I have hope if you did it, I can too!
Btw, my psychologist told me there are studies now saying that even though nicotine is a stimulant, the act of sucking on a cigarette and exhaling is what relaxes smokers bc it's just like the deep breathing we are told to do for anxiety so it makes sense why it relaxes smokers.
Looking forward to hear what others say.
Sending you love Cornell-