Hi & welcome to a fabulous & helpful forum!
I hope you're not disappointed when I say you aren't nuts
So many of us have different physical symptoms that set our anxiety/health anxiety into complete overdrive. We obsess over the symptom/s and have a hard time distracting from it. I understand completely & I know probably everyone in this forum has "been there, done that."
You have had very extensive testing by specialists and nothing abnormal was found which is great news! I know you're still upset about
it though and I highly suggest you look at the resources on the top of the anxiety forum. There are articles & coping skills in dealing with health anxiety. I have it too so I understand completely!
Have you considered taking an allergy med (like Allegra/Claritan/Zyrtec) to see if that improves your lump/scratchy throat? I get post nasal drip from allergies & get the scratchy feeling. Allergies have been bad this year.
Also, I've had the lump sensation you describe. It didn't last months but several days/week for a month or so. Never did figure it out & I chalked it up to anxiety after telling a friend who has anxiety like us, & she's gotten it before too. I've heard this isn't an uncommon sensation to have with anxiety.
Keep posting here as much as you like. This forum is active & we all help each other. Welcome aboard!