You WILL find yourself again, I promise!!
Had you ever had anxiety struggles before the baby? Post Partum depression can present as anxiety and you're still in the time frame of PPD! My friend had it for about
8 months after the baby. She didn't take meds either & she's much better.
Being a mom of an infant is exhausting & sleep is a luxury as I'm sure you know! Are you able to get a good nights sleep? My friend wasn't so she tried to nap when the baby napped.
Things WILL get better!!!
Oh PS- I had hot burning ears too this year and was freaking out about
it. Turns out it was... Wanna take a guess.....???!..... Anxiety! lol! I'd never had that anxiety symptom before this year. Lucky us?
Oh & carrying your baby around will definitely give you aches and pains, & when our shoulders/arms/backs get overly stretched, we can totally feel it in our chest which leads to heart anxiety. It's your pulled muscles!
Are you in the US? I know in indiana new mothers can get insurance until the baby is a certain age It's income based I believe. My friend fell through the cracks though bc her kids were able to get insurance but she couldn't bc Her husband "made too much."
Sending you much support!