Hello all, first off thank you for the kind words....
I got through the night ok. I ended up falling asleep around 4 am. I actually slept pretty well, and my morning wasn't too bad. The thoughts are literally the worst part...normally if I'm distracted I'm fine. This afternoon my Dad and I went to visit my grandmother who is living in an assisted living home; she's 92, but still going strong. However, just being in that environment put me in a funk, as I had to hear about
like three people who passed away this week (all over 80), and it just made me scared. I really wish I knew what triggered all of this fear! At one point while I was there I thought I was breathing more than I should, but I don't know if that's in my head or not. I've also noticed that throughout the past week or so, I've been burping alot (sorry if TMI), not normal burps, like I'm almost forcing out a handful in a row. I'm assuming this is anxiety-related, and that forcing them out=sucking in more air=more burps altogether.
I did contact my doctor's office today and made an appointment for a checkup/wellness check for next Tuesday. I'm going to ask him while I'm there if he can do the troponin blood test, because I have a feeling if I get clear results from that again (especially after these latest pangs/twinges) I'll be forced to acknowledge that it's not my heart.
I'm not really looking forward to driving back home in the AM, as I'll leave here around 9am because I have to be at work at 2 pm (drive is about
3 hours). Hopefully the weather is nice and the day driving alleviates some of my panic in regards to that. In the meantime, I'll probably have some aspirin/Bayer in my pocket just in case.
Some good news? Along with seeing my parents and Grandma, I got to visit with my parent's dogs Henry and Desmond. I hadn't seen them in about
6 months, and they're always so excited. I'll try to post a photo on our Facebook page later if I can! Also, we exchanged our gifts since I'm leaving tomorrow, and I got alot of stuff I needed. It must be a sign that I'm getting old when I get excited about
receiving an electric kettle and boots as opposed nerf guns and video games
Thanks again for the kind words everyone. I'm trying to send good thoughts to all of you as you have me.