Thanks scaredy cat, really appreciate the comfort in being able to talk with somebody that understands.
To answer your question, no I've never suffered from anxiety before but having two primary school kids and a wife, I am our major bread winner and fully aware of the consequences should I become incompacitised. Having never suffered with stress before I don't fully know what it feels like but I do know when I was in the ambulance in the staff car park having an ECG done that my leg was shaking something rotten.
Today I feel pretty run down in myself. I'm sleeping for like a couple of 3 hour intervals(waking between) and then when its time to get up I feel completely zombified. Interesting note here is that ever since I was in A&E I've never been able to sleep with the curtains closed-always nice to see the street lights outside. My stomach feels like its tied up in knots, am feeling pretty much continuously sick and light headed with diahorrea and I get occasional fluttering in my chest.
I will look at the resources you've mentioned (though I've already too many internet horror stories)-and like you mention will go back to see the gp this week but they always seem quite dismissive of condo and if nothing else I can talk about
these anxiety factors which now appear to be creeping in.
One last question but how do people cope with employers during these occurrences? I work for a large building society and have never previously taken off more than a day or two on sick leave. In the last month I've probably taken off a couple of weeks and am starting to get very conscience about
the amount of time I'm absent, and I worry that given how I feel again today I might not be back any time soon....
Thanks for listening, its taken my mind off my ailments