When anxiety is bad, it's SO bad. I just feel hopeless at this moment. I'm going to therapy, doing mindfulness meditation, eating healthy and I've started Lexapro. Visited my GP & been to several eye appointments this summer. So trying to do all the right tings. The past few days, I'm just in sheer terror from morning to night. The anxiety is so bad & I'm so convinced that something is wrong with me because I just never feel like my vision is right. I can't tell what's in my head & what's a real symptom. I want to believe it's anxiety & that it's going to pass, especially once the Lexapro kicks in, but I just don't know. I've never felt this scared & lost before.
If any of you have ever felt like you're anxiety was unbearable & the feeling of doom was so strong BUT it did pass & you are ok now, please reassure me. I'm so lost today.
Thank you.