Hi, sorry you're back, but you know that if you've moved past this before, you can do it again.
You've had a TON of real stressors in your life lately. It's completely understandable to have returning anxiety symptoms. Try to be gentle with yourself, if a friend were to be going through all of this, you'd probably just give him a hug. No need to add being frustrated with yourself.
Chest tightness is my main physical symptom of anxiety. Even when I'm not thinking I'm tense, I feel the physical sensation and IMMEDIATELY go into the spiral of, what does it mean? Will it ever go away? This is terrible, EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE!! I wouldn't even realize how much I added to it.
I've posted links to this blog a few times, but when it comes to chest pains (obviously after you've been cleared by drs), it just really made sense to me:
www.calmandcourageous.com/hypersensitive-anxiety-stop-checking-feel/I haven't had any persistent pain in over a week and truly believe that the less I check in with it, the less I feed it.
Good luck, it's all an ebb and flow.