Hi and welcome!
I am sorry to hear of your continued struggle...but glad to see you're reaching out and getting the help that you need...well done!
Though your were prescribed another SSRI...differences can be noted between specific formulas...so keep hopeful that this will be a good match for you. It is often some trial and error...but you will find your beneficial med(s) with perseverance.
The Buspar can be taken as needed...and is a good alternative to a benzodiazepine, so have faith that this med Rx will suffice for your more challenging situations.
Therapy and/or self help should also be employed IMO...so please look into these management tools if you've not already!
See our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for great ideas...
and keep posting with us if you find it helpful. We understand, care and support is key!
Talk soon,
Scaredy Cat