I don't have any experience with tricylic side effects, but when I have had bloating during times of trying to quit smoking 2 things that helped me were ginger and pro and prebiotics.
Fresh ginger in tea, ginger in a stir fry adding it closer to the end so it doesn't cook too much, even chewing on ginger if you can stand it
Basically, ginger everything. You can get ginger powder in capsules if it's hard to tolerate the fresh stuff. It worked well for me.
The pre and probiotics helped by... I don't really know, it's supposed to improve the healthy bacteria in your gut to help with GI symptoms like bloating. There's some research on it, apparently some strains are better than others. I took a capsule that had to be kept in the fridge that was recommended by my pharmacist. It was a bit expensive and took about
2 weeks to work, but it was helpful. You can get yogurt with probiotics, I don't know how helpful they actually are with bloating but may be worth a try if you eat dairy anyway, as yogurt is generally healthy.